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Caught Up In The Moment

24 January 2021

My mom lied about my age to get me into ski school at Waterville Valley. I was not thrilled to let my big brother go without me -- so I hit the slopes at three.

Finally, as a third-grader, I was old enough to go on the weekly ski trips with my school to our tiny local hill in New York. Suited up on the bus with my skis and a sack lunch; I was ready.

Caught up in the moment, I didn’t seem to put two and two together as my pack of ski partners dwindled to a few then none; I kept hopping on the lift until it stopped. Where is everybody? Where’s the bus? Puzzled and forlorn, I seemed to have missed the piece about leaving the hill.

Lucky for me a local mom happened to be there and gave me a ride home. My mom asked, “what happened, how come you missed the bus?” To which I replied, “I just kept skiing”.

 ~ Rachel, Ski Patrol