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2023 Bull of the Woods Trail Race

4 September 2023


Welcome to the 7th year of Bull of the Woods Trail Races in Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico! We are excited to host the half marathon and marathon distances on September 9, 2023. The trail marathon distance will take you to Kachina Peak at 12,481ft. Then, you will continue on to the half marathon course where you will climb Fraser Peak at 12,168ft! You will span the entire Taos Ski Valley on this course, earning you some much-deserved trail-cred! The half marathon will follow the previous year's primarily tight, single-track course on Northside trail system, maximizing your trail-fun and big-trail-views. Keep reading 'Trail Beta' for more detailed course description.

EVENT INFORMATION Registration will open on Feb 22, 2023.


Bull of the Woods Trail Races are a half marathon and full marathon distance trail race that is designed to maximize your trail running experience on a primarily single-track course through alpine forests, meadows, and overlooks that will bring out your inner joy and keep you smiling all the way home. This is high-country mountain running at its best, starting at about 10,000 ft with ascents to 12,163 ft Fraser Peak (half marathon/marathon course) on the Northside Trails - a private recreational system. Your senses will be on overdrive as you take in views of the Wheeler Peak Wilderness, La-Cal Basin, Lobo Peak, Gold Hill and the Queen herself Wheeler Peak.

For the Kachina Peak Marathon course, a 'sky'-style high-alpine course, you will start on the incredible Taos Ski Valley Ski Resort to climb, at times 'hands-on-knees' to the spectacular 12,481 ft Kachina Peak! Here, take a minute to gaze at the entire Wheeler Peak Wilderness "Cirque" encompassing 7 peaks over 12,000+ ft. Your fun will be maxed out with over 7,000 feet of climbing - and what goes up, must come down! Start your rowdy ridge descent down Highline and West Basin Ridges, made popular during the winter season. You will then refuel at the base and cross over to the Jaw-dropping scenery and pristine single track of Northside Trails System. Here, make your way to Fraser Peak 12,163 ft and gaze across the valley to where you once were - Kachina Peak! From here, it's all fast descending, winding, secluded single track and maximum fun to the finish. At the finish, you'll have the satisfaction of having enjoyed the best trails and views of Northern New Mexico!


As you prepare for your awesome day, please take note of the IMPORTANT ITEMS below:


Please note these details may change.

1. Packet Pickup: Friday, September 8th from 3PM – 6PM: Packet pick at Taos Ski Valley in the Lower Plaza on Sutton Place (

Please try your best to check in on Friday. If you absolutely cannot make it Friday, you can pick up your packet on race day, Saturday 9th. Plan to show 1 hour before the marathon and 1.5-2 hours before the half marathon (a lot of entrants) race start to not rush and allow us to start the races on time. There will be an area for drop-bags at start/finish.

2. Start and Finish: The start and finish of the 2023 race will be in the main base area of Taos Ski Valley.

3. Race Start Times: The marathon start is 7AM. The half marathon starts at 9AM. If the weather forecast becomes an issue, we may adjust these but that will be determined closer to race day.

It takes about 30-40 minutes from center of town to arrive at the parking in Taos Ski Valley.

4. Race Brief: Before the start of each race we will have a quick safety / course brief so please make sure you are there and paying attention.

5. Cupless: We are cupless, please bring your own bottle, pack, or vessel for aid stations and afterward!

6. Weather: Weather is unpredictable so please be prepared. Forecast for race day is TBD but we will update closer to time. Please be prepared with at minimum a windbreaker jacket and extra layer to have at the race venue for during the race and/or after you are finished. We will have a drop area there to leave your bag, please label it.

7. Marathon Cutoff: If you are registered for the marathon, there is a 5-hour cutoff at Pioneer (Mile 11). Please do not underestimate this cutoff time.

8. All Racer Cutoff: Half marathon and marathon there is a cutoff time of 4pm at HIGH-T (AS-F) Aid station (Mile 10 for half mar, Mile 21 for marathon).

9. Map: Half marathon and marathon course maps will be released after the snow melts and we inspect the course.

Thank you again for your interest and support, we are excited to see you Race Weekend in Taos!

WANT TO VOLUNTEER? Half-day & full-day volunteer shifts available.

Needed: aid station hosts, registration table assistance, support crew, and more.

Volunteers will be coordinated by the Enchanted Circle Trails Association (ECTA)

Email to sign up or get more information, or message us via facebook